
The Gold Standard in Treatment
The Palomar Icon™ Photorejuvenation IPL is the gold standard in treatment for reversing the color (red and brown) in skin with minimal down time using intense pulse light (IPL.) This targets and reduces the signs of sun damage, treats rosacea, broken capillaries and stimulates collagen to reduce the appearance of fine lines on your areas of concern.
How it Works
This procedure targets different chromophores in the skin, which selectively absorb the laser or light energy as heat and yield the desired response. The wavelengths of light, clear red and brown lesions by targeting the chromophores of hemoglobin (for vessels) and melanin (for brown spots) and cleared by the body. The brown spots undergo a mild desquamation and slough off within two or three days, while the vascular lesions resolve within 10-14 days. This results in removing the appearance of the lesion from the skin.*
Photorejuvenation IPL Treatment FAQs
How Many Treatments Are Recommended?
Who Performs The Treatment?
Can I Get Other Treatments Done The Same Day?
What Should I Expect After My Treatments?
“Do not worry if there is some unevenness after the first treatment, this is normal. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently.”
Useful Links
Preparing for your Photofacial Treatment
- Please avoid self-tanners and outdoor sun exposure.
- Please protect your skin pre and post laser treatments with Dr. Bryan McIntosh approved SPF every morning, reapplying every two hours when outside. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
- Please avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated, to reduce your risk of bruising.
- Please discontinue Doxycycline, Minocycline or Retin-A/Renova, glycolic products, for several days prior to each treatment. These medications can be resumed 1 week after treatment.
The majority of our patients find the combination of Tylenol and Lidocaine numbing gel very effective in managing the discomfort of IPL treatments.
Post-Care Photorejuvenation Instructions
- Cold compresses can be applied to the treated area to reduce discomfort or swelling for 10-15 minutes every 2-4 hours for the next 2-3 days as needed. We will provide you with a re-usable ice pack. Sleep with 2 pillows for 1-2 nights after your treatment to diminish swelling, as needed, avoid salt and alcohol (they all make swelling worse).
- To maximize the reduction of redness and spider veins from your treatment, avoid anything that makes you flush or blush for 72 hours (this includes hot yoga).
- Apply sun protection in the morning and reapply every 80 minutes while outside. Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 2-4 weeks after your treatment. Do not use Retin A/Renova or glycolic products for 2 weeks. Please use only gentle cleansers and products for several days after your treatment to minimize skin irritation.
Remember, it takes a series of 3-5 treatments on average to see the final results of your newly rejuvenated skin from the Photorejuvenation treatment.
If blistering develops in treated area, notify your laser treatment provider that day at (425) 420-2663, and we request for you to be seen within the next business day. Apply a thin layer of Polysporin/Vaseline ointment, and reapply as needed to keep the area hydrated (at least 4 times daily).

Dr. Bryan C. McIntosh is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with over 10 years of experience. Patients from all over Bellevue, Seattle, Redmond, Kirkland, as far east as Yakima, north to Bellingham, and down to Tacoma have been treated by Dr. McIntosh. In his Bellevue office you'll also meet the perfect team of hand-picked aesthetic professionals who truly care about you, and want to ensure you have the best experience possible.