
Cutting-Edge Technology
We have invested in the latest fractional laser technology to provide the best skin resurfacing treatment available. Our new Palomar Icon™ 1540 Fractional Laser is a versatile tool used for a variety of conditions where skin resurfacing treatment can provide dramatic improvement to your skin‘s appearance, and is the only FDA cleared laser for skin resurfacing.
This treatment can be performed on many areas of the body. It is an excellent treatment option for the face, neck, chest, eyes, arms, legs and back. The face is the most common area to be treated. Eyelids can be improved such that an eyelid lift may be delayed for many years to come. Loose skin of the neck can be tightened and smoothed. Acne scars are a source of embarrassment for many people, and these are improved with this laser. Even the hands can be treated to reverse the signs of aging on an area that is often neglected.*
- Sun damage (wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, aging skin)
- Surgical and traumatic scars
- Acne scars
- Stretch marks (striae)
- Melasma
- Skin irregularities
How Palomar 1540 Works
The Palomar 1540 utilizes a non-ablative erbium laser to stimulate collagen and create a more even tone and texture to the skin. This highly-specialized laser delivers light to the skin through an array of precision microbeams that penetrate deep into the skin‘s dermis, creating thousands of narrow, but deep columns of skin coagulation surrounded by healthy and untreated skin. This allows the skin to repair itself, replacing surface pigment and damaged skin with new, healthy and younger looking skin. By leaving the surrounding areas untreated, it enables the skin to heal much faster than if the entire area were treated all at once.
Using the body’s natural healing process to create new, healthy tissue, we are able to achieve beautiful results with very little downtime. Lines and wrinkles are smoothed, scars are improved, pores become smaller, and the skin is tightened overall, resulting in significant improvement to the skin’s surface appearance.*
1540 Fractional Laser FAQs
We have compiled a list of questions that we are frequently asked during our consultations for Fractional Laser treatments. We recommend that you schedule a consultation by calling our office at (425) 420-2663.
How Many Treatments Are Recommended?
Who Performs The Treatment?
Can I Get Other Treatments Done The Same Day?
What Should I Expect After My Treatments?
When Is The Best Time Of Year To Get IPL Treatments Done?
What Are The Contraindications For This Treatment?
- Take medications that increase photosensitivity (such as certain antibiotics or Accutane)
- Use anticoagulants
- Have had chemotherapy in the past 6 months
- Have a history of bleeding disorders
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Have a history of Seizure disorders
“We recommend an exfoliation treatment including microdermabrasion or a dermaplane treatment 10-14 days after your Fractional treatment. The exfoliation treatment will help remove resurface and rehydrate the skin for your next treatment.”
Useful Links
Palomar 1540 Fractional Treatment Preparation
- Stop use of Accutane
- Purchase several bags of ice packs/frozen peas
- We recommend purchasing a gentle post laser cleanser and moisturizer
- Do not use any of your Retinol based products
- Do not use any glycolic acid and/or exfoliating treatments
- Avoid sun exposure 2 weeks prior to your treatment
- Do not wax
- If you have a history of cold sores, please call us at (425) 420-2663, you will need a prescription for Valtrex or Famvir to begin the day or two days before your treatment
- PLEASE BE ON TIME—we need your full appointment time for numbing and photos.
- Arrive with no makeup or eye contacts.
- Bring a wide brimmed hat to your appointment to wear after your treatment.
- We recommend you eat a meal 1-2 hours, and have no caffeine, 4 hours before your treatment to prevent you from feeling jittery.
- Stay Hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your treatment. This can help improve your healing time.
Post-Care Instructions for Palomar 1540
- Very Important—Ice for 10-20 minutes (10-20 on, 10-20 off) every 2-3 hours for the first 2 days to reduce swelling
- Take Aleve and/or Ibuprofen (as directed) for discomfort and Benadryl or Claritin to reduce swelling
- Avoid taking hot showers and redirect shower spray away from treatment area for the first 48-72 hours
- Avoid saunas and hot tubs
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 48-72 hours
- Avoid alcoholic beverages and high sodium foods/drinks for 24-72 hours depending on degree of swelling
- Sleep with 1-2 extra pillows at night, keeping your head raised for the first 2 nights to help reduce swelling
- Do not use any retinol products for 1-2 weeks post-procedure
- Do not use any non-prescription creams without checking with us first for 2 weeks after
- Refrain from any chemical peel treatments or microdermabrasion for 2-4 weeks
- Make-up may be applied the next day, if no blistering occurs
- Avoid scratching, rubbing the treated skin – do not put adhesive dressings over treated areas.
- Men may gently shave 3 days post-treatment
- Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 4 weeks after your treatment. Wear a Dr. Bryan McIntosh approved physical sun protection for the next 4 weeks. If actively outdoors, you should reapply your sunscreen every 80 minutes and wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Dr. Bryan C. McIntosh is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with over 10 years of experience. Patients from all over Bellevue, Seattle, Redmond, Kirkland, as far east as Yakima, north to Bellingham, and down to Tacoma have been treated by Dr. McIntosh. In his Bellevue office you'll also meet the perfect team of hand-picked aesthetic professionals who truly care about you, and want to ensure you have the best experience possible.