Surgeries That Don’t Require General Anesthesia

Aug 7, 2024 | Breast Procedures | 0 comments

Cosmetic surgery has come a long way, with people obtaining their desired looks in less than one hour. These surgeries can be performed with general anesthesia and without, it just depends on the actual surgery that you are seeing Dr. McIntosh for. Did you know that 5 percent of patients prefer being awake for their procedure? At Refine, MD Northwest, we offer many surgical options that meet your needs if you fall within the 5 percent. 

Why Forego General Anesthesia?

Complications related to general anesthesia are rare, but that doesn’t mean they can’t happen. Usually, 1 out of 2000 people experience some sort of anesthesia side effect, a factor that is most common when you have pre-existing health conditions. Allergies can also happen in isolated cases, which makes allergy-prone individuals reluctant to undergo a procedure with general anesthesia. These circumstances can be avoided with allergy tests and prior consultations, but some patients can still be wary. 

Once someone undergoes general anesthesia, the grogginess usually remains for hours after they have woken up. This requires them to have someone drive them to and from the location and perhaps even take some time off work. For this reason, most people prefer local anesthesia instead, as it lets them stay awake during the procedure and avoid potential unwanted side effects.

Top Procedures Not Requiring General Anesthesia

As long as the incisions are not very deep or extensive, a procedure can be done without general anesthesia if that is the patient’s wish. Below are some surgeries often performed with local numbing agents, allowing you to stay awake and comfortable during the procedure.

  • Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

The eyelid is a small area, so if you are not afraid of being awake during the procedure, then blepharoplasty can be performed without general anesthesia. Many combine this with a brow lift to give their eyes a more “lifted” effect. Your eyes should be closed during this procedure, but Dr. McIntosh will monitor your comfort levels so that you do not experience any issues. 

  • Facelift

You can have a surgical facelift done without having to go under general anesthesia. In this case, local anesthesia is combined with nerve blockers, temporarily reducing the sensation in the treated area. You may feel some pressure here and there as the skin is moved into its new position, but most patients don’t describe it as actual “pain.”   

  • Liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure that can be done through both general and local anesthesia, depending on the patient’s comfort levels. For example, if you have superficial and small areas to treat (e.g., a double chin or some fat pockets around the thighs), then you can get away without general anesthesia. It will not impact the results of the procedure, but bear in mind that some sensations can still be detected.

  • Minor Breast Lift

While major breast lift surgery is done under general anesthesia, minor breast lift procedures can easily be performed with local. For instance, a crescent breast lift technique only removes a small amount of skin to correct sagginess, which means that a local numbing agent can be used to reduce potential discomfort. We recommend consulting with Dr. McIntosh first to determine whether or not your specific surgical procedure can be done without anesthesia. 

Contact Us Today!

Getting cosmetic surgery doesn’t necessarily mean you must undergo general anesthesia. Some procedures can easily be performed under local anesthesia to keep the discomfort at a minimum. Contact Refine, MD Northwest, for an appointment and find out how easy it can be to achieve your desired aesthetic.


For more information about various procedures that can be done without general anesthesia, contact Refine, MD Northwest, at 425-654-2409. Dr. Bryan McIntosh can offer fantastic results. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form and we will schedule an appointment as soon as possible.