What Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation?

Jul 24, 2024 | Blog, Breast Procedures | 0 comments

Around 71 percent of women are not exactly happy with the size of their breasts, and many wish for them to be larger. With that in mind, many women are discouraged by the fact that these procedures have a long recovery time, something that not everyone can afford or handle.

This is where rapid recovery breast augmentation comes in. It is a procedure performed by Dr. McIntosh at Refine, MD Northwest that can significantly improve the size of your breasts without as much discomfort or recovery time. In this blog, you will learn more about what differentiates this procedure from regular augmentation and its benefits.

What Makes the Technique “Rapid Recovery”?

Rapid recovery breast augmentation is similar to traditional breast enhancement, with a few additions to the technique. Unlike conventional breast enhancement that focuses on implant addition, the goal of rapid recovery breast augmentation is to work on damage control. For this reason, different techniques are used during the procedure to minimize recovery as much as possible. 

The surgical technique is precise and methodical, with Dr. McIntosh creating surgical incisions in areas with fewer chances of bleeding. Wounds are cauterized immediately, leading to less bruising and trauma and, thus, a shorter recovery time. 

Benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Rapid recovery breast augmentation comes with a series of benefits for the patient, including the following: 

  • Shorter Downtime and Recovery Period

As the purpose of rapid recovery breast augmentation is to keep the trauma at a minimum, patients no longer have to go through such lengthy recovery. Patients are usually on their feet within 24 to 48 hours. For instance, if you get the procedure done on a Friday, you could potentially be back to work by Monday. This is quite advantageous for those women who do not have free personal days to spare at work. 

  • Fewer Restrictions for Your Activities

Since the procedure is not as invasive as your average breast augmentation procedure, you’ll also experience fewer restrictions on your activities. The potential for downtime is minimal, and most patients can walk around as usual on the same day of the procedure. We just suggest that you lay low until the anesthesia wears off, as the numbing agent can cause you to feel rather woozy. After two weeks (and clearance from Dr. McIntosh), you should also be able to resume a light exercise routine.

  • Shorter-Lived Discomfort

Like traditional breast enhancement, rapid recovery breast augmentation is performed under anesthesia. This means you should feel no discomfort during the procedure and when you go home. Once the anesthesia wears off, you can manage potential pain by using painkillers. This discomfort does not typically last more than a couple of days, all thanks to the meticulous technique employed by Dr. McIntosh.

  • Fewer Risks of Complications

Most of the complications in any surgical intervention are caused by extensive bleeding and trauma to the tissue. With rapid recovery breast augmentation, the trauma is minimal, which means that inflammation and bleeding are also kept at a low point. This reduces the risk of swelling, infections, and other complications often associated with surgery.

Who Is a Good Candidate for The Procedure?

A good candidate for the procedure is someone who is in relatively good physical health and wishes to enhance the size of their breasts. The best candidates are those with a busy schedule who do not have the time to spend on a longer recovery. 

Candidates should have enough elasticity in their skin to mold effectively against the implant to create a natural-looking bust. They should also be committed to the recovery instructions, as this makes up half of the “rapid recovery” efforts. 

Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation for You?

Rapid recovery breast augmentation is a good procedure to choose if you want to improve the size of your breasts but do not want to go through extensive recovery. With the proper aftercare, you can be up and about within a short time. Schedule an appointment for rapid recovery breast augmentation with Refine, MD Northwest, for a self-confidence boost!


For more information about rapid recovery breast augmentation, contact Refine, MD Northwest at 425-654-2409. Dr. Bryan McIntosh can help you understand everything about the procedure and what you can expect. Should you want an appointment, you may fill out our online contact form, and we will contact you shortly.