Tips for Recovering from Plastic Surgery

Aug 30, 2018 | Body, Breast Procedures, Plastic Surgery, Procedures for Men | 0 comments

Plastic surgery procedures provide safe, effective solutions to aesthetic or functionally impaired areas of the body. While these procedures are generally safe, they are still surgical in nature and a postoperative recovery is to be expected.

If you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, you likely want the recovery process to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. While the road to recovery often depends on the individual and procedure, you can improve the recovery process with the following tips.

Plan for Dedicated Recovery Time

During the recovery process, it is important that you set aside time specifically for rest. Rest is vital for the recovery process because your body heals and repairs itself during periods of rest. Plan to take time off work and clear your schedule to prioritize recovery. Also, make sure you will be recovering in a relaxing, comfortable environment.

Follow all Guidelines Provided by Your Medical Provider

As mentioned above, surgical recovery varies greatly depending on the individual and the complexity of the procedures they underwent. At Dr. McIntosh’s office, each patient receives specific care instructions tailored to his or her individual needs. For optimal recovery, make sure you follow all instructions outlined on your individual recovery plan. This includes taking any follow-up medication, avoiding medications that are not prescribed to you, and avoiding any activities not recommended for your specific recovery.

Enlist Care or Assistance for the First 24-72 Hours

Depending on your procedure, you may want to consider recruiting a caretaker to assist you for the first 24-72 hours after your procedure. During the first few days post-op, you may have a hard time taking care of yourself as you normally would. Having help after your surgery can help make your recovery much smoother and will give you more time and space to rest and recover.

Avoid Intense Exercise or Vigorous Activity

During your plastic surgery recovery period, try not to perform any vigorous exercise or physical activity. Performing intense exercise can compromise your recovery because it can impair your body’s ability to heal. While you’re recovering, you don’t want to drastically raise your heart rate or blood pressure. Additionally, exaggerated movement or lifting heavy objects can compromise any incisions that are healing after your procedure.

Minimize Sun Exposure

While recovering from surgery, do your best to keep the affected area out of direct sunlight. Sun exposure can lead to excessive scarring and discoloration of the skin. To keep your skin healthy and to help it properly heal, stay out of the sun, or wear protective clothing.

Remain Patient

Remember that any surgical recovery takes time. Side effects such as swelling, bruising, discoloration of the skin, and limited mobility are very common after surgery. Remain patient throughout this process, as these symptoms are part of the healing process.